A+R Soap featured in Men's Health NL
A+R Soap was featured in Men's Health NL 'Handsome Head - You want to look your best in December - even in times of corona. Follow the numbers and you are well on your way.'
The piece on A+R Soap translates roughly to "This 130 gram weighing soap from Triumph & Disaster is a power bundle with which you wash and care for your body and face effortlessly. The soap consists of glycerine and almond milk, partly of oat flakes. The latter scrub your skin lightly. Also nice, Old School rarely smelled so pleasantThis 130 gram weighing soap from Triumph & Disaster is a power bundle with which you wash and care for your body and face effortlessly. The soap consists of glycerine and almond milk, partly of oat flakes. The latter scrub your skin lightly. Also nice, Old School rarely rarely smelled so pleasant so pleasant"